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Alter Prayer points, 2021

Prayer of Appreciation

1. Psalm 107: 1 – 3.

Father, we thank you for your mercies and your goodness over TGC, our families and our business, to you alone be all the Glory in the name of Jesus amen.

2. Jeremiah 30: 19.

Father we are grateful for how far you have led us as a ministry, as a family and individual, we have come to return all the Glory in the name of Jesus amen.

Prayer for TGC and Itele power crusade.

1. Ezekiel 36: 37 – 38.

Father we ask that you increase TGC with men like a flock, give TGC the grace to fill cities, towns, and the whole world in the name of Jesus.

2. Isaiah 45: 1

O LORD, we ask that you open new doors for TGC in all the Nations of the earth, go before us to crush every resistance standing against us from taking the gospel to the ends of the earth in Jesus name.

3. Psalm 89: 20.

Father anoint afresh the president, vice president of this commission with fresh fire and fresh oil in the name of Jesus

4. Psalm 104: 4

Father increase the grace, power, and fire of every minister in TGC, making them a flaming fire that will burn and destroy the kingdom of darkness in the name of Jesus.

Itele power crusade.

1. Joshua 1 : 3.

O LORD, we make a demand that you give TGC the land of Itele, pass through the land of Itele and make it ready for the move of your power during the crusade in Jesus name

2. Mark 16: 15, — 17

Father, we ask that you make Itele power crusade a harvest of miracles, signs, wonders, breakthroughs, and deliverance in the name of Jesus.

3. Jeremiah 23: 29.

Father let your word come mighty like fire during Itele power crusade, let it penetrate the heart of men and women in Itele to grant them salvation and freedom in the name of Jesus.

4. Mark 3: 27

O LORD, we bind every strong man and woman, powers, principalities and satanic agents in the land of Itele that are fighting against the salvation of men in that land in the name of Jesus.

Evangelist Andy Ikekhide
President, The Great Commission (TGC)